Workshops for Parents

These workshops will help you improve your children’s relationships with themselves and others:-

12 point Parenting MasterClasses: Primary School Kids

As a parent, you want the best for your kids. But it isn’t always clear what the best thing to do is. If children came with a manual life would be so much easier, right? But they don’t, and so these parenting classes have been developed for parents of primary school aged kids wanting to enhance their skills. Classes are a conducted in a relaxed and interactive environment and provide a place for you to share your concerns and experiences with other parents.

Workshops are for groups of six or more. Workshops are customised to specific concerns. So whether you represent a group of parents who want to pick up a new skill or you’re a solo parent who would be interested in joining a group, contact me today.


12 point Parenting MasterClasses: Secondary School Kids 

Just as you thought you had the whole parenting thing worked out, your child enters adolescence. Does it feel like almost everything you learnt about how to communicate with your child has just gone out the window?  These parenting classes have been developed for parents of secondary school aged children who need a little additional help navigating the transitional path to adulthood. Classes are conducted in a relaxed and interactive environment and provide a place for you to share your concerns and experiences with other parents.

Workshops are for groups of six or more. Workshops are customised to specific concerns. So whether you represent a group of parents who want to pick up a new skill or you’re a solo parent who is interested in joining a group, contact me today.